• on December 24, 2017

Reset, Rebound, Rebuild!

First of all, let me say, it’s not by chance or happenstance that you are here with us on this special and historic day as we launch our THEME for 2018; RESET, REBOUND & REBUILD. God brought you here for a purpose, and I hope that you will discover it before you leave – and hope you will climb with us as we move to higher places. We acknowledge the challenges we face, both as individuals, and the Body of Christ corporately. It is obvious that there is an all-out assault of the enemy against the Body of Christ, and many of us have fallen victims. Some have died, many are confused, and others are struggling to keep up. However, we give God thanks for those who have become the anchors, holding the fort and trusting the Lord for His help. This is a crucial moment in the life of the church amidst the darts of the wicked enemy of our souls. We cannot lay back and hope for the best – we MUST be Proactive.

A synopsis of our Theme: Reset–suggests moving something back to an original position. It also means to clear impedance. Whatever has been a distraction, or distortion to your spiritual growth and maturity, get rid of it. RESET! Rebound–to increase or improve after a recent decline. To recover from a setback of frustration. God, through His mercy and grace has provided the opportunity for us to rebound. You may be down, but you are not out. Tap into the reservoir of God’s Grace, find renewed strength, and REBOUND! Rebuild–make important improvements or changes to something. The devil’s intent is to hamper the building of the kingdom by causing distraction, confusion, and division. But we will stay focused, keeping our eyes on the prize and REBUILD. Let’s Reset, Rebound, and then Rebuilding will be the inevitable. LET’S DO IT!

O LORD, thou has searched me, and known me. Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off…Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

Psalm 139:1-2; 23-24

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