Pastor's Weekly Thoughts!

A desperate world stumbling in the darkness of sin trying to find its way while the church has totally lost the purpose of its existence.
Bishop Dr. Orville Beckford, Senior Pastor
Bishop Dr. Orville Beckford, Senior Pastor

It is obviously clear to all of us the times we are living in, unless we are totally locked off from reality. From every angle there is a downward spiral deeper into degradation. Whether it is the moral decline, the corruption of government and politicians; the lack of respect for human life; the lack of dignity in human conduct; the deceitfulness of the heart of man, or just the escalation of evil in general: It is abundantly clear, that the world is in experiencing a time that is baffling to the mind. The question then becomes, how do we as the church assess where we are? Do we just turn a blind eye or lock ourselves away and pray, or do we become the light to expel this pervading darkness that is captivating our world and communities?

The world is in rapid decay, and it is for this reason that Christ says we are “the salt of the earth”, rise up and preserve it. There is a gross darkness that is covering the earth and creating havoc everywhere… It is the reason Christ says we are “the light of the world”, don’t keep it under the bushel. A desperate world stumbling in the darkness of sin trying to find its way while the church has totally lost the purpose of its existence. We can no longer afford to just watch and pray in our small corner! We cannot afford to say let somebody else do it! Of the times and season  brethren, let’s awake to reality, the world is dying without Christ! If there is any value to your salvation; if you have experienced change in your life by accepting Christ, tell somebody–share it! If it works for you, it can work for others! Redeem the time, the days are evil!  Be blessed of the Lord, and be faithful!

Dr. Orville R. Beckford, Sr.,
Senior Pastor
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